City of Washington issued the following announcement on May 24.
Flushing & testing of the city's fire hydrants will take from May 23-25. This will be performed during hours to minimize impact on residents and businesses. This procedure is performed routinely to ensure our hydrants are functioning properly for fire safety and to assist in maintaining water quality within our system.
When crews are in your area flushing, you may experience a temporary reduction in water pressure. This should last less than 3 minutes and the pressure should return to normal. While some daytime flushing in outlying areas will take place, the majority of the flushing will occur between the hours of 9 pm and 2 am.
After crews have flushed hydrants in your area, it is not uncommon to experience cloudy water at your tap. If this occurs, simply run a water spicket at the farthest location from your water tap for a few minutes.
If you still have problems after this, call the Utilities Operation Center at 252-975-9320 and report the problem.
The fllushing schedule will be as follows:
Monday Daytime:
East side of the system, Runyon Hills, BCCC, Tree Shade, Old Bath Highway, etc.
Monday Night:
East side of town North of 5th Street and East of Market Street.
Tuesday Daytime:
Whichard’s Beach Rd, US 17 South of the Bridge, River Birch, Market Street Ext., Spring Road, etc.
Tuesday Night:
South of 5th Street and East of Market Street.
Wednesday Daytime:
Northgate, Maple Branch, Flanders Filters Rd, Industrial Park, etc.
Wednesday Night:
Everything West of Market Street out to Western portion of the system.
Original source can be found here.
Source: City of Washington